Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Last night was cool with a low of 11, it reached about 24 as a high and remained cloudy today. Sorry, I keep bouncing back and forth from farenheit and celsius.  It depends if I go by the TV temps. or our outside thermometer we brought from home.

We were up early to check out the fruit/vegetable vendor who brings their goods to the fountain area near the east gate to the resort. They had a wide selection and it was recently harvested. A sign indicated the walnuts, pecans, almonds are from a new crop. The prices, Cathy says were comparable to home but fresh.

                                                                 selection of nuts

                          These are daikon or Japanese radishes, the grower says they can grow to about 2 ft. long. These are about 1 ft. long and are generally used in stir frys in oriental restaurants.

After putting the recent purchases away the neighbour across the street (here from Burlington) asked if we would like to join them as they are going grocery shopping. This was an errand we had planned on doing after lunch but we were happy to join them. Along the way to the H.E.B. grocery store which seems to be the only store providing competition for groceries to Walmart here, we were shown the locations for the local liquor store (important), the way to Walmart, how to get to the border, the area where they have a big flea market and a RV supply store. We had lunch with them and returned home. It was a great time and very informative.

We covered many topics for those few hours we were with Ron and Janet. One topic was on the TV channels we receive at the resort. They used to show 3 Canadian channels CTV, CBC and Global but a message just recently started indicating they are no longer able to provide them due to Canadian regulations.

I was craving a good bbq'ed steak and that is what we had for dinner along with the corn we purchased this am. It was not peaches and cream, that was a treat.

All for now.