Wednesday, 12 December 2012


It was cool last night reaching 6 C. Today's weather was sunny with a high of 22C. It is gradually getting warmer each day.

This morning we cleaned the motorcycle as it still had sand on it from the Corpus Christi area - the sand is so fine it sticks to everything.

In the afternoon we decided to check out the area flea market, about 15 minutes away and occurs on Wednesdays and the weekends. It is your typical market with a lot of junk but is very popular. They have a few vendors there with fruits and vegetables, tools (new and used) trinkets, RV supplies, etc. We ended up ordering a set of tire shades for our coach to protect them from sun and UV damage. These guys are Mexican and they make there own products which are heavier and cheaper than the ones we would buy. They will have them ready on Saturday.

We have been told in Jan/Feb you can barely get down these aisles due to the number of people attending the Flea Market. 

                                                                       A Texas t-shirt.

There is an orange grove just outside our Park's entrance and they look like they are ready for harvesting.                

We have noticed these large smoke clouds and have found out they burn the sugar cane fields after they are harvested to burn the leaves that are discarded from the harvester. It creates an ash that will drop to the ground and they call this Black Snow. If you have clothes out to dry and it gets on them you have to rewash them.

                                               This is a shot of the Resort Golf Course.

The Park Manager is having a small multipurpose shed on their site build. It will have a 3 piece bathroom, washer/dryer and can be used as an spare bedroom when people stay over for a visit. A lot of people do this here once they buy their site.

Til tomorrow...