Sunday, 6 January 2013


The weather was a little better Friday, the low was 7C but the high reached all the way to 12C. I shouldn't be complaining knowing what the temperatures and weather are in Ontario. Wayne, my brother living near Owen Sound said he has 12 inches of snow.      

By the way, we are starting to see some changes in our water, more suds and a smoother feeling to the water. Cathy says the water spots are gone on the glasses.

We did a little running around here in the resort getting water and handing in our empty aluminium cans which are used in the stone jewellery classes. Cathy tried to sign up for a portrayed art class but it was full.

Later in the afternoon Linda asked us if we wanted to go to a dance at another resort in the evening. We said sure and off we went at 6:30.  The music was preformed by one fellow playing two key boards and an accordion. He was very good and does a circuit all winter long at various resorts. He is booked every day of the week! All the dances end at 10 o'clock which gives us time to get home and take our Geritol and Absorbine Jr. after such a work out. After the dance we were invited back to Rick and Connie's for a night cap.

On our way home we noticed Don and Tonya were still up so we sneeked up to their windows with the duck horn Cathy still had and started blowing it. It took some time for them to figure out were the noise was coming from but they eventually turned on the light and came out to see what was there. We now have to wait for the other shoe to drop as Don says he doesn't get mad he gets even.

I found out the problem with me not being able to send pictures is a goggle blog problem. Great news as I thought it was something I did . So I will have to catch up on the pictures once this is fixed. Hopefully soon!

Til tomorrow.......