Another great day with a high of 26C.
Our journey today took us back into Arizona where we lost an
hour as we past the time zone. It was a 45 minute ride to the north-east with
some of the journey on the famous Route 66 which took us to the town of Oatman.
This old mining town is now a tourist trap with a western shoot out and the
usual shops selling t-shirts and trinkets with the main attraction being the
wild donkeys roaming the town and even entering the stores at times. These
animals are descendants of the pack animals turned loose by early prospectors. These
animals are now protected by the U.S. Department of the Interior and can be fed
by purchasing small bags of burro chow. As soon as they see or hear the
rustling of the bag they zero in on you and before you know it - you are swarmed.
In a couple of cases they became aggressive and started kicking at each other and
came close to kicking a person.
Decal painted on the road. |
Cathy with new friend. |
You call me an ass - what about them |
Another friend |
Just checked out the leather store to see what kind of hide they were using. |
Yes, Cathy had a lot of friends today. |
This restaurant had the dollar bills pinned up all over the place. |
Sign for great customer service. |
We continued along Route 66 to an area near Kingman and then
turned around. This road was a great motorcycle road with twists, switch backs
and hills. In some places the road is lacking some repairs but overall it was a
good ride.
It was a great ride! |
I though this might be a good place to find a pet rock for myself. |
On the way home we regained our hour back and all was good.
Another journey tomorrow - whoopee!