Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Grocery Shopping

Last night it was warm, very windy and humid enough for us to turn on the a/c.The day was partly cloudy but hot with a high of 32C.

We needed to replenish the cupboards so we left early to go to H-E-B to beat the hot noon temperature. The prices are quite a bit cheaper here.

                                                       A great buy at 59 cents a Ib.

                                           Check out the prices of Butter Ball Turkeys

                                                                Regular turkeys

                                                              Fresh sugar cane

When we arrived back at the Resort we ran into Harley and his chauffeur. Not sure, but I think he wanted to check out if any new poodles arrived today.

 Things are getting a little quieter around here as a lot of people are returning home or visiting relatives for the holidays. We are told it will fill up completely after the holidays.

In the pm. we went to the - you guessed it, the pool then happy hour.

Till tomorrow...