Sunday, 30 December 2012


Friday night's low reached 6C and the wind blew stronger than we normally get through Saturday. Still cool with a high of 17, better than it is in Ontario however. I understand there was snow going through the area there yesterday.

There have been 4 people in the park that have installed this water softener on their RVs or homes and said they have felt the change in the water. So I decided to buy two of them. One for the coach and one to put on the house. I am hoping we will be able to do away with the salt softener we have at home.

It is a very simple installation, you just need a 4 inch section of pipe on the water line as it comes into your house/RV to wrap the wire onto and a near by receptacle to plug into. The complete package contains the power box, a cable to plug into the power source to the power box, a length of wire to wrap around the pipe, 4 nylon ties and mounting screws for the power box.

The instructions are to connect the middle of the wire with a tie on the pipe and wrap one half  around the pipe in one direction 18 times. Then use another tie to fasten at the end of the wrapping. Then go back to the other wire half and wrap it on the pipe in the other direction over the previous wire wrapped. Tie it to the pipe when there are 18 wraps around the pipe. Strip enough wire coating off the two wire ends and connect them into the individual wire clips on the power box which is mounted nearby. Plug one end of the power cable in the power box and the other into the receptacle. That's it, just wait for the soft water. It apparently will vary how long it will take to create the soft water due to the amount of mineral build up in the water system. Hopefully it will not take too long with our newer coach. The idea behind it is, it creates an electrically charged zone around the pipe which will bind the hard minerals running through the pipe in the water and they are flushed right through the system. 

                   Before installation set up.White hose is the water line coming into coach.            

After installation: I used a quick connection so it can be removed went travelling to eliminate stress on the connection. White power box in top left corner mounted on panel. The blue wire wrapping goes in behind the panel to the power box for neatness. The electrical outlet was nice and handy to get at. 

In the afternoon Cathy and I went grocery shopping and that was pretty much it for the day. It was too cool to sit out and have happy hour. Didn't even see any of the neighbours out. I think they were all doing their running around chores.

Til tomorrow...