We were warned it could be bad storm heading our way so we
put down the sat. dish, laid the bicycles on the ground and made sure
everything was secure. We did some additional storing of outside gear as we
needed to go to Ford first thing in the morning.
Tuesday night there was a heck of a storm after we returned
from Family Feud but it was mild. The wind blew very hard for about 20 minutes
and there was additional passing thunder and lightning storms through the night.
We could feel the coach rocking back and forth. The coach weighs just over 11
tons. I started thinking about the wind hitting the back side of the trailer and
possibly pushing it into the back of the coach. So I got dressed again to
double check how the wheel chocks were doing and adjusted one which was loose.
Everything was fine in the morning.
Heading over to the Ford dealer which does coach maintenance
I noticed the engine light was not on (that figures) but the code was still in
the computer indicating the issue. We arrived at 10 o’clock and met Jeff and they started on
the coach right away. It did show the same code. They
checked the connections and decided to replace the sensor at the catalytic
converter and cleared the code. So we are good to continue our journey but Jeff
said we will have to travel some mileage to see if it is corrected. We were on
our way by 1 o’clock. One thing we notice here in Texas, where ever we go
everyone is very friendly and when it comes to customer service it is all top
notch, from the store clerks to the customer service staff. While waiting in
the waiting room we had a couple start talking to us about our coach and their
travels – this would not happen in Canada.
They even had a large awning for us to drive under when arriving. This was good as it was raining. |
We were home in plenty of time to re-setup and do some
relaxing, waiting for Happy Hour. “Doc” a retired Air Force Pilot who flew B52
Bombers and after his retirement flew Commercial Transatlantic flights mainly to Paris dropped by. He was telling me
about the Arizona sites he and his wife Nancy have visited.
Happy Hour had another great turn out which took up some of
the street behind Dale and Linda’s unit.
While chatting we all noticed a beautiful glow from the
setting sun.
For dinner I BBQ’d one of the steaks and it was the best
steak we have had in a long time. Now we wish we bought
Til tomorrow....