Tuesday, 1 January 2013


It was a nice day Monday with the high reaching 28C and the low for Sunday night was 17C.

Don is noticing a difference in their water in their home already and Cathy says she is starting to notice a difference in our cold water. The hot will take a little longer as the water in out hot water tank will have to be refreshed with new water. It looks positive at this point.

Cathy and I had a talk about out future plans and decided to extend our stay here in Llano for an additional week since we like it here so much and the people don't get any better. We also know the weather will be cooler when we move further north. So no real big rush to get into it, but we do want to continue our exploring.

We really didn't do anything exciting in the a.m. In the afternoon Cathy called her brother Alan and wife Linda in Portland Oregon and had a great discussion. Later on we had to get ready for the pot luck dinner which Gene and Carol, Bernie and Tom hosted , who are all from Kansas. It was a really great spread with about 27 people attending. We sampled bacon wrapped water chestnuts, a rice payaya  and a cauliflower and shrimp casserole which were good.

                                                       Don checking out the food.    

                                                                   Some of the gang.

We also celebrated Dale' s  71st birthday, he is from Kansas as well. Cathy was talking to Dale later and asked if he would be watching football on New Year's Day and he said he was more interested on Thursday's game with Kansas playing Oregon. Cathy said she would have to support the Oregon Ducks so Dale asked if she wanted to wager a dollar on the game . After asking if it would be Canadian or U.S. Cathy said yes.

 Dale had to try and  blow out the sparkler candles on the cheese cake. His partner Linda, from Winnipeg bringing it over to him.

After dinner we had time to change clothes and do a little relaxing before going to the New Year's Dance at the rec. hall. It was a great dance with Elvis making an appearance who interacted with the crowd. There was a great turn out with champagne, hats and horns provided.

 Right after the dance we went to the river bank and watched the fireworks from nearby Progresso. The Mexicans are big into fireworks to celebrate events and you can tell a lot are sold. When driving around town there are lots of little sheds along the road selling them. The signs say buy 1 and get 5 free. Not sure what the free ones would consist of.

As it turned out we missed a really great display of fireworks that started just before 12 and went on for about 1/2 hour. We were told the whole horizon looking in that direction was fully illuminated with colour.

We went back to Gene and Carol's for a night cap and ended getting home at 1:30. This is the first New Years we have seen in many years and the latest we have been up for some time as well.

We still can't get over being in short sleeves and sitting out on New Year's Eve.

Looking forward to relaxing today.