What a day of weather, it was nice clear sky in the morning
and early afternoon. Then late afternoon the skies started looking really weird.
To the north of us there was a layer of dark clouds above a layer of white ones
with vanes of the dark streaking downward through the white layer. It moved
very quickly to the east and we just received the edge of the storm with high
winds and just a light rain. We found out later the weather station right here
at the campground reported 70 m.p.h. winds. Some of the neighbours even ran to
the shelters here.
Storm to the north. |
Storm to the south. |
It was strange seeing the small white cloud and touch of blue sky in the middle . |
The high was 22C.
Before heading into town for groceries we visited the third
rated tourist attraction of Amarillo which is just down the road from the
campground. What is it you ask? It is 10 old Cadillac’s (1949-1963) in an open,
bare field half buried in a row called “The Cadillac Ranch”. It is an art
exhibit created back in 1974. Now, everyone is encouraged to spray paint them
when they visit the site. When we arrived there were 2 piles of spent spray
cans nearby and several people doing their artwork to the cars. The cars would
have at least ½ inch of paint all over them and when touched feels like a
rubbery/spongy layer.
The row of ten. |
One of two piles in the area. |
Cathy found a part can and added her artistic flair. |
This painted gate was the way to get into the field. |
The State wanted to be sure the graffiti ended at the road. |
All for now.....
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