Saturday 6 April 2013


 It was a nice 22C today with a little cloud and winds.

Cathy was all excited about seeing the Peabody Duck March more than she was about seeing Graceland, so off we went to the Peabody Hotel. The “Duck Master” marches one drake and four hens out on the red carpet to the fountain in the middle of the hotel lobby at 11 o’clock and parades them back to their $100,000 penthouse “Royal Duck Palace” at 5 o’clock. They come down by elevator and when the doors open they make a mad dash to the fountain and are very excited to be in the water.

The Fountain - thought it would be larger.

Lots of people watching - the elevator is to the left of the fountain.

The Duck Master

The ducks have 3 stairs to climb to get up to the fountain ledge.
Once the elevator doors open they run straight for the fountain.

How it all began.
After the ducky event we took a walk over to Beale Street, they close a section off from vehicles on the weekend so you can walk down the street and look at the restaurants and stores. We had lunch on an outside patio here and then walked over to check out the Cotton Museum at the Cotton Exchange. This was a very interesting museum and was quite educational. It showed the different harvesters, covered the black labour, the impact of the cotton gin and the economical impact as well in the southern states.
Beale Street

Another T-shirt

A cigar box guitar for $350.00
A cotton bale (on the left!)

Boll Weevils

We passed this pyramid and found out it was a Pyramid Arena being renovated into a Bass Pro Shop Mega store.
We are on the road tomorrow.

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